8 research outputs found


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    This study aims to investigate the use of bahasa Indonesia as mother tongue (L1) in the classroom and to examine teachers and students’ perspectives on it. Forty six students of grade seven from two different classes and two English teachers in a junior high school in Bandung were involved as the participants. This study employed qualitative method, and the data were gained through classroom observation, interview to the teachers, and questionnaire done by the students. The findings reveal that the use of bahasa Indonesia may facilitate learning especially in elaborating grammar rules, giving instructions, checking understanding, explaining new vocabulary, and making jokes. The teachers and the students’ perspectives on the use of bahasa Indonesia in the classroom are generally positive since the teachers in the interview claimed that bahasa Indonesia may enhance students’ understanding, and the central tendencies of students’ answers on the questionnaire are mostly above 61%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa Ibu (L1) di dalam kelas dan mengetahui perspektif guru dan siswa mengenainya. Empat puluh enam siswa kelas tujuh dari dua kelas yang berbeda dan dua guru bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Bandung terlibat sebagai partisipan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dan data diperoleh melalui observasi kelas, wawancara guru, dan kuesioner yang dikerjakan oleh siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dapat memfasilitasi pembelajaran khususnya dalam menjelaskan grammar, memberi instruksi, mengecek pemahaman, menjelaskan kosakata baru, dan bercanda. Persfektif guru dan siswa terhadap penggunaan bahasa Indonesia di dalam kelas umumnya positif karena guru pada saat wawancara menyatakan bahwa bahasa Indonesia dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa, dan central tendency dari jawaban kuesioner siswa umumnya diatas 61%

    The Use of Deixis in Narrative Texts in the BSE English Textbook's "Developing English Competencies 1"

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    Deixis as one of pragmatic features appears in every kind of text including narrative text. Deictic elements hold inseparable relation between its textual meaning and its context. This study is aimed at examining deixis in the narrative texts in BSE English textbook’s “Developing English Competencies 1†for Senior High School Grade X and explaining how they are realized in different contexts. The study uses descriptive qualitative method with five narrative texts taken as the sample for analysis. The results show that the narrative texts use all kinds of deixis, with person deixis as the most frequently used one. Person deixis enables the narrative texts to focus on the characters and the actions. Deixis is highly context-dependent that it cannot be understood without considering the context. Therefore, in comprehending narrative texts, English learners cannot only rely on their vocabularies repertoire they need also to comprehend the whole context of the story

    The Representation of Reunion 212 in Indonesian Online Media

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    Reunion 212 which is the action of a series of previous actions was reported by many media in Indonesia. Each media portrays the action differently. This critical discourse analysis attempts to uncover the practice of power in Indonesian online media regarding the rally. Three reunion 212-related articles published on December 2, 2017 from each of CNN Indonesia.com and Republika Online were collected as the data of the study. Those online media were chosen as preliminary study informs that they frequently take different point of view whey they are reporting moslem or islamic related issues. The data collected were analyzed using van Dijk discourse analysis approach which consisted of text analysis, social cognition, and social context. The findings confirm that CNN Indonesia.com is more concerned about the adverse effects of the action and the purpose of the action which is considered politically charged, while Republika Online brings more humanist themes eventhough it also does not deny the potential political purpose behind the action. The themes are supported by certain lexical and discourse strategies such as word choice, theme choice, cohesion, and coherence. Moreover, the power practice is more visible in CNN Indonesia.com which attempts to convince readers that the action is bad and orientates itself more toward political purposes. While the news from Republika Online is more informative and only contains the positive side of the action


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    The choice of strategy for translating the word fuck in The Wolf of Wall Street movie has its own impact on the equivalence of pragmatic meanings in the target text. This study aims to explain: (1) form, pragmatic function, and translation strategy of the word fuck, and (2) the implication of the word fuck translation strategy on pragmatic equivalence in The Wolf of Wall Street movie. The words of fuck were identified from the both English and Indonesian subtitles. Then, the data were categorized and the implications were investigated. The results indicate that there are 506 words of fuck which are classified into three forms, namely: interjection, emphasizer, and expletive slot filler. The functions conveyed by these taboo words are: catharsis, abusive, and social. These taboo words were translated using omission (72.9%), cultural substitution (15.0%), neutral words (11.5%) and loan word (0.6%). The omission and the neutral word strategy largely eliminated the function of the word fuck, whereas the loan word and cultural substitution strategy were able to maintain the function of the word fuck. However, the very large percentage of use of the omission strategy makes the translation results lose much of its pragmatic function and emotive value. Keywords: Translation strategy, taboo word, pragmatic equivalence, the wolf of wall street movi

    The Use of Deixis in Narrative Texts in the BSE English Textbook's "Developing English Competencies 1"

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    Deixis as one of pragmatic features appears in every kind of text including narrative text. Deictic elements hold inseparable relation between its textual meaning and its context. This study is aimed at examining deixis in the narrative texts in BSE English textbook’s “Developing English Competencies 1” for Senior High School Grade X and explaining how they are realized in different contexts. The study uses descriptive qualitative method with five narrative texts taken as the sample for analysis. The results show that the narrative texts use all kinds of deixis, with person deixis as the most frequently used one. Person deixis enables the narrative texts to focus on the characters and the actions. Deixis is highly context-dependent that it cannot be understood without considering the context. Therefore, in comprehending narrative texts, English learners cannot only rely on their vocabularies repertoire they need also to comprehend the whole context of the story


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    21st-century education is focused on preparing students with certain learning and life skills. Rhizomatic learning is among learning approaches subject to 21st-century challenges. This study is aimed at exploring what rhizomatic learning has to offer and what the underpinning theories are. The study employed a literature review procedure including writing, summarizing, integrating, analyzing, and criticizing. Rhizomatic learning is identified with a more modifiable instructional design central to students' needs. By principle, rhizomatic learning corroborates with peer scaffolding to promote collaboration and is feasible to be carried out through flipped classrooms by incorporating higher-order thinking activities. To avoid being lost in the information search process as well as to make students focused on constructing new knowledge, a teacher's intervention is required through guided inquiry

    Strategies of Subtitling the Word Fuck in The Wolf of Wall Street Movie

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    To determine the appropriate strategy for the translation of the word fuck and its variants in audio visual translation is indeed problematic. On the one hand, the translator is required to maintain the beauty of the literary value as reflected in the dialogues, including the usage of offensive swear words; on the other hand, he is obliged to comply with the provisions stipulated in government regulation number 13 year 2014 concerning film censorship agency, especially paragraph 6 article 25 which forbids the usage of vulgar, offensive, racist words that have the potential to ignite public unrest. This research is intended to investigate the choice of translation strategy made by the translator. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative using data in the form of the word fuck and its variants with The Wolf of Wall Street movie as the data source. This study is also intended to compare the results of a similar study conducted by Hawel (2019) which is about the strategy of audiovisual translation from English to Arabic. The results showed that there are similarities in the frequency of the strategies used, namely omission and softening strategies, which reached 75% and 25% respectively in Hawel's research (2019), and omission and mollification strategies which reached 72.9% and 27.1% consecutively in this study. The word mollification in this research is similar to the word softening in Hawel's (2019)